Friday, June 20, 2008

Harper's Ferry, West Virginia

(if your interested in what i've been doing the last few weeks, see previous post)

Here I am, in Harper's Ferry, the "psychological" halfway point of the AT. The real halfway point is 100 miles or so north, in the woods somewhere (where it should be!). This is a pretty cool town, they keep it that way with building codes. Very touristy, and all the buildings have an old look; there is some very cool stonework to see on some of the homes and shops, and some killer landscaping to go along with it. But the whole town literally closes down at 5, the shops, cafes, everything. Plus Enoch hurt his knee the other day on some rocks and wants more time to let it heal; so, we're zeroing here today. We've gotten a great deal at a new hostel (we were there on their very first day of being open!), so lodging is taken care of. And now we get to check out some of the parks and tours. H.F. is a very historical town, especially noted for John Brown's raid on the armory here just before the Civil War; and since Enoch is from Kansas, where Brown was also active in raids and fighting in the 1850's, he's pretty excited about that.

I'm pretty excited because yesterday we met up with KBomb again. He skipped some of the AT in order to "aqua blaze" which is to say he and a group of other hikers took canoes down the Shenandoah River rather than "white blazing," or following the AT (the trail being marked with white blazes). We didn't plan to meet him or anything, but it turned out he arrived here just hours before we did. I don't think we could have planned it better.

Pretty pumped to be heading into Maryland tomorrow, and Pennsylvania within a few days. Some people do the 4 state challenge, going from VA, through WV and MD to PA in a 24 hour period, but I'm enjoying taking it easy. I don't need to be doing 50-some miles in one day (I actually heard about 3 guys who did 61 miles in 24 hours through Shenandoah!) Seems like a waste to me; really like self-abuse. I can walk 20 or more easy enough, and wouldn't mind doing one 30 mile day at some point, just to say I did, but milage is low priority with me, beyond meal planning/resupply and such. This trip is about so much more than mere movement along a trail that I'd hate to get that caught up in that kind of thing.

I hope I'll be able to update again soon, but regardless, I hope everyone back home is doing good and enjoying the oncoming summer.


Megs said...

Wow! Half way through the AT! I'm so freakin proud of you!!!! Mike and I just read your last two blogs and we agree with your comment about the sign "Leave no mark" and how a highway takes away from your wilderness experience. Our pathetic self absorbed society NEVER ceases to amaze me. Ugh.
Glad to hear you are well and enjoying your journey! I still cant believe the amount of miles you hike in a day. And to think I was impressed with Heather and my 4 mile walk! HAHAHAHA! Doesnt really compare to 20 miles, thats for sure!
I love you, stay strong, and gimme a call when you can! I miss you!!!!
~ Meg & Mike

Megs said...

Hey just wanted you to know that I posted two more rolls of your film on the Snapfish site and the pics that Eric took of your time together. If you don't remember the username and password, I emailed it to you....or call me and I will give it to ya!

DAD said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANDON!!!! I hope all is well with you on this first day of your 25th year. Mom and I are recovering from our trip to Flordia, which was fun but rather tiring. Got some sad news for you, we had to put Mollie to sleep yesterday. Her back legs were getting so bad she could hardly get to her feet anymore, and even while walking they would give out and she would pull herself along with her front legs...very sad to see. The whole process of putting her down was very peacefully done, as the doc gave her a shot to relax, and then a little later to sleep. Mom had a rough day yesterday, but is feeling much better today. Mollie was really a sweet dog and we miss her! It sounds like you are doing well on your trek and are probably in Pennsylvania by now. When I got back from Flordia I played the slide show of the pic's that you've taken and that Meaghan loaded...Which really give a quick look at how far you've traveled, all it needs is some background music to really give it your personal touch! Give us a call when you can...God bless you, with love...Mom & Dad.

Megs said...

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Brandon! Happy birthday to yoooooou! I hope you have the most phenomenal day today so that you will always remember the date! Your 25th birthday!!!!! I miss you so much! I hope all is going well on your journey! I can't WAIT to read your next update!!!!!!!
I love you! HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Allen said...

Hey man glad the trips going well. I'm really enjoying the Nutro shirt haha. Make sure you stop in to PSP right when you get back! Good Luck!


Brandon said...

haha, glad the shirt is workin out for you, Allen. :)