Monday, April 28, 2008

Erwin TN

No rain, no pain, no Maine. Heard that a few days ago, and think it's a great motto for this hike. I've had plenty of rain the last two days, and more today, since I plan to hike out of this hostel at least a few miles. It was so full last night I didn't even get a bunk, had to set up the tarp on the lawn. Shower was nice though, and the breakfast at the diner was so fattening and delicious. It's really amazing how much time you can spend fantisizing about food. I probably whiled away an hour or so yesterday thinking about a chicken sandwich. Yeah, that's right, a chicken sandwich. And if I could find a Taco Bell anywhere down here, I'd be in heaven.

Coming out of Hot Springs was a hard day for me. Hatchet really wanted me to get off the trail with him, hang out a month or so, then hike southbound from Maine with him. But I know if I got off the Trail for any amount of time, I'd quit. And there's no guarantee he's gonna be able to hike this year, his leg is in bad shape and he won't get it looked at. So that, coupled with the pain I was in, made the hike out of there hard. But I made it up to Max Patch, a bald about 10 miles out of town. Absolutely beautiful views, the sunset was amazing, so was the sunrise. It was clear all night, which was great because there was a meteor shower occuring. What luck to be out of the trees on a mountaintop, and to have clear skies! That goes down as one of the best nights of my life.

And as far as my injuries, most of my pain is gone. Hot Sauce gave me some Ibuprofen 2 days ago, and probably saved my hike in doing so. I was so frustrated with the state of my foot that I was on the verge of quitting. Then, limping into camp, he offered me the drugs, and it helped immensely, felt tons better the next day. Then Cayenne gave me a little baggie of some, she calls it vitamin I; that has also helped. I'm not big on drugs and such, but maybe they're not all just poision with a few good side effects. Or they are, but sometimes it's worth it.

But yeah, people out here are great, with everyone looking out for everyone; my opinion on humanity improves daily.


DAD said...

Howdy Brandon! Just read your latest update of the travels of moccasin man and am very happy to hear the positive feelings your having in spite of the weather and leaving your friend hatchet behind.You made mom's day when you called her before work this morning, just gave her an extra hop in her step. Sorry I missed talking to you, but I was at mass praying for my kids and family... you never get enough prayers you know!!! Also great to hear physically your doing much better, although mom says your really losing some that's what I should be doing to lose weight...taking a 2,000 mile hike in the mountains! That's all for now, looking to hearing from you soon! Love dad.

Megs said...

I talked to mom today and she said you sound really good! I am so glad! I miss you and LOVE seeing your updates. And bragging about you to my friends that ask about your journey all the time! You kick ass, B!!! I miss you tons and you are in my thoughts everyday, every moment. Keep on keeping on! I'm so proud of you! Call me sometime when you can, I look forward to hearing your voice :)